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Global Chekhov Initiative

The Seagull by Anton Chekhov

"Refreshingly bold"

"Makela is reaching for the light, in a play that's frequently interpreted as morose. " LA Weekly


Matthew Anderson, Jeff Atik, Kim I. Dildine, Natalia Duncan, Christiane Georgi, Wes McGee, Devin Mills*, Joshua Moore, Michelle Murphy*, Bobby Charles Reed*, Amelia Rose, Mark Sande*, George Villas*

Human beings, lions, eagles, and quails haven't really changed at all in 114 years. Anton Chekhov's 1895 text continues to touch our hearts because of the author's multi-layered observations and timeless themes on the human condition. The death of innocence and loss of youth; the fear of aging and screams of loneliness; the inability to accept, let alone embrace, life as it is; the ego-driven lifestyle that leads inevitably to unhappiness, are as much about modern Angelenos as they are the tragic and humorous themes of the Russian souls that populate The Seagull. We can recognize our own human potential for both good and evil, in all these characters. We, human beings, have always elevated and idealized celebrity, chased after the ideal image, and often destroyed our true selves in that chase. All the characters in The Seagull starve for something while their grief is caused by either the lack, or abundance, of those things desired. The author himself claimed that his play contains"five tons of love", and we hope to share it all with you!

Creative Team: Marjo-Riikka Makela, Courtney Marsh, Melanie Keller, Natalia Duncan, Jenny Lind Bryant

Poster and flyer designs by

“A Los Angeles Debut of the Finnish director Marjo-Riikka Makela, this production gives that inextricable Eastern European feel: bold, passionate and funny, staying true to Chekhov’s assertion of “The Seagull” being “a comedy in four acts.” Freely commenting on American “bonfire of vanities” with its red carpet and hungry paparazzi, the time and space merge in this version, setting the action in Hollywood, Russia (with a pre-show film in the lobby!)"

* Member of Actors' Equity Association The Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.