This is where your inspiration, your emotional availability, and your physical freedom starts!
This is the class that teaches you how to keep psychophysically FIT and ABLE for any and all acting jobs and challenges.
Learn to harness your psychophysical imagination, build, strengthen, and sustain your acting muscles, your emotional availability, connection with your creativity, your artistic self, and with your fellow players.
We will explore the very foundation of the actors' ability for presence, freedom, specificity, being on impulse, and creating moments that follow the script's story and text, but are born as new & surprising, every time, on stage and in front of camera.
Why Study Technique before and between scene study?
Marjo-Riikka was recently asked a valid question:
"Why must an actor study technique, why not just do scene study"
So she gave it some thought, and here is her answer:
“It's in the technique class that the actor learns to engage with her/his creative spirit, imagination and artistic individuality, and it is in the technique class that the actor develops a physical body that is capable and available to be of use in her/his profession.
In other words, the actor learns how to CREATE, to truly be in the moment, go beyond the intellect, improvise and be fully alive within-, without- and between the lines, and where the actor's body, psychology, breath and imagination becomes one WHOLENESS, that can express the actor's artistic impulses with ease, and specificity.
So that the characters we play, are not squeezed out of our cold cynical intellect, or text "interpretation", but can actually arrive into us, play with us, from the world of infinitive amount of possibilities.
Having developed your actor's instrument, and your artistic individuality in the technique class, you have learnt to become a "self directing"-actor, the kind that has several fully committed possibilities and options to offer to the casting director, and your director.
And you can now freely take direction, without taking it personally.
You have learned to flow into any task INSPIRED!”
Marjo-Riikka Makela
“It is a technique that truly helps you feel creative as an actor, which is very empowering, particularly when you have limited time to prepare, or limited stimulus in your environment. ”